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  • Writer's pictureDahlia Foundation

Mumbai crime: 100 MDMA and ecstasy pills worth over Rs 15 lakh seized by police, one held

Mumbai crime: Mumbai Police on Thursday said that its anti narcotics cell (ANC) of the crime branch nabbed a 38-year-old man and recovered as many as 100 pills of MDMA and ecstacy from him.

According to the police, the Worli unit of the ANC had received a tip off regarding a suspicious person and accordingly the information was worked out by the officials. A team was formed which laid a trap and nabbed the suspect.

An official said, "A trap was laid on September 27 night, and in the presence of two witnesses the suspect was nabbed and checked. When the officials checked the suspect it led to a recovery of as many as 100 blue colour pills suspected to be MDMA and ecstasy pills. The pills were seized by the team of police officials. The total value of the seized pills amounts to around Rs 15.42 lakh."

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